Saturday, October 22, 2011

Handphone Battery Explosion Kills Chinese Man in Guangzhou

Exploded Handphone Battery

Don't put mobile phone into the chest pocket, one may risk his/her life when its battery explodes, though rare, it does kill. The latest victim from the accident is a Chinese guy from Guangzhou. The young man who was carrying out his duties at a community computer shop at South Donghua Road  in Guangzhou which specially sells Lenovo computers was severed a major artery in his neck and killed on the spot January 30 when his handset exploded in the pocket. The battery was believed to be the culprit. It was said the phone is branded but not clear if it was loaded on with a pirated battery, which is a very common practice in China. The incident is still under investigation. Link

Note: The pic above (via) is not associated with the story reported in this post.

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